Inflation is rising, and wages, like pensions, are stagnating… Or almost. If President Emmanuel Macron opposed, during his television interview on Wednesday, October 26, the indexation of wages to the rate of inflation, on the pension and social assistance side, several revaluations have taken place lately. Most, however, have nothing to do with the economic context: these increases are simply automatic, every year.

And they are far from offsetting the surge in prices for most households. According to INSEE, inflation rose to 6.2% in October 2022. In the front line: energy prices (19% over one year) and food prices (11.8%) .

On a daily basis, few French people are not suffering the effects of the crisis on their portfolio. The observation is undeniable: their purchasing power is at its worst…

And retirees are not spared, quite the contrary. According to a recent Opinion Way survey for Monetivia, 55% of seniors are currently facing financial difficulties that impact their daily lives. This is 6 points more than in the summer of 2020.

To compensate for the rise in prices, the purchasing power law, adopted on August 16, 2022, thus provided for a new revaluation of retirement pensions.

In 2022, here is, in short, everything that has changed on your pension:

And that’s not all. For its part, Agirc-Arrco announced an increase in supplementary retirement pensions, effective November 1. What increase should we expect?

Agirc-Arrco initially estimated the amount of this increase at between 4.9 and 5.2%. It will finally be set at 5.12%. In concrete terms, the service value of the Agirc-Arrco point will increase, on November 1, 2022, from 1.2841 euros to 1.3498 euros.

“This significant revaluation, made possible thanks to the robust financial situation of Agirc-Arrco, was decided after having secured the financial balance of the scheme and its level of reserves over the next 15 years”, specified Didier Weckner, the president. organization, in a press release.

The cost of this “boost” operation is estimated at 4.5 billion euros.

For example, if the amount of your supplementary pension is 500 euros, you will receive an additional 25.60 euros in November.

For an additional 700 euros, count an additional 35.84 euros; 46.08 euros for a supplementary pension of 900 euros, and 51.2 euros for 1000 euros per month.

In 2023, we can also expect a further increase in your pension.

It’s a ritual: the retirement pensions of the basic scheme will experience a further increase on January 1, 2023.

The amount of the increase is not yet fixed, but it should be around 0.8%, according to the social security financing bill, adopted by 49.3 on Wednesday, October 26.

A revaluation below that of 2022, calculated at 1%.

2023 will also be the year of the implementation of the pension reform, which again promises many upheavals.