As retirement approaches, the steps to be taken follow one another. In the event of missing quarters, it is thus possible to buy back quarters to improve your basic retirement pension. In the case of your supplementary pension, it is necessary to speak here of a redemption of retirement points since the supplementary pension schemes use this system. Here is our guide to successfully redeeming points.

The redemption of supplementary pension points varies according to the different schemes. For the supplementary scheme for private sector employees, it is therefore possible to buy back up to 210 points from Agirc-Arrco. The supplementary schemes for the liberal professions apply different rules depending on the sections determined. Finally, it is not possible to redeem points from the supplementary scheme of the Social Security of the Self-Employed (SSI) or the additional scheme of the Civil Service.

Several scenarios can lead to a redemption of points for your supplementary pension. The redemption of retirement points may thus concern years of higher education and incomplete years. However, it is essential to have already redeemed quarters in your basic pension to be able to launch a redemption of points. The redemption of points then becomes possible within the limit of 35 Agirc-Arrco points per quarter redeemed. It also remains limited to three years of study. To calculate the amount of your redeemed points, you must refer to the formula “Number of redeemed points x value of the point x coefficient linked to age”.