Many products are the subject of voluntary recalls throughout France this week. Among them are a large number of vegan products. These are, for the most part, “fake cheeses” made from almond vegetable milk or even coconut milk. The vegeta link diet – not vegeta nothing – also known as “vegan”, has grown in popularity in recent years.

Indeed, the growing awareness around the cause of animal welfare is pushing more and more French people to consume products that are not only meatless, but also devoid of any animal product. Eggs and dairy products are therefore also removed from their diet. According to Xerfi, the value of the vegan food market would be expanding: its growth was estimated at 11% in 2019, as reported by Big Media.

The “faux-mage” in question here is so called because the term “cheese” remains strictly reserved for products obtained by coagulation of animal milk: cow, goat, sheep or even buffalo. Although they contain only vegetable milk, these cheeses sometimes perfectly reproduce the appearance, taste and texture of the real cheese that we all know.

The variations are numerous: fresh cheese, grated or even hard cheese, you can find for each cheese or almost its vegetable counterpart. In addition to consumers refusing to buy animal products on principle, these alternatives can be welcome for other types of profiles as well. Especially for people who need to moderate their cholesterol levels: the “faux-mage” does not contain any!

Cheesecakes aren’t the only products subject to recalls this week, though: check out the full list of foods you need to get out of your kitchen ASAP!