To live better, should we live… the old way? The IRI Institute, which analyzes consumer data on a large scale, found in its latest report a return to the buying habits of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Our ancestors indeed adopted certain reflexes when shopping, especially in times of economic crisis. And the patterns repeat themselves… Inflation is dangerously approaching 10% at the moment: 9.35% in October compared to the same month last year, as reported by Midi Libre.

One of the biggest consumer upheavals of the past five decades is therefore taking place, according to the IRI report. Indeed, 71% of Europeans say they have already changed their habits in the face of the rising cost of living.

The heaviest impact is felt on first-price products, which contributes even more to the precariousness of already fragile households… Indeed, the cheapest products have seen their prices increase by 13.48%, against 12.16%. for private label products, and only 8.11% for national brands.

The cheapest pasta, for example, saw its price increase by 34.5%. The price of first-price meat and poultry would have risen by nearly 32.4%. These figures are all the more frightening as these are products that form the basis of the diet of many French people. Concern is spreading: 61% of Europeans say they are worried about the impact of inflation on their lives.

Planet has therefore identified for you the 5 “vintage” and economical consumption reflexes that seem to have gained in popularity lately.