In France, 10 million tonnes of products are wasted or lost each year, for a commercial value estimated at 16 billion euros. These data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion are edifying as the figures seem high.

Indeed, Ademe, the Agency for Ecological Transition, denounces the useless taking of natural resources such as arable land or water. Moreover, this mess is not without effect on global warming since the institution estimates that it is responsible for 3% of all national greenhouse gas emissions.

If 32% of this waste occurs during the product production phase, it is during consumption that it is the most important (33%). Indeed, losses and waste at home are estimated at 30 kg per person per year, of which 7 kg would be unconsumed and still packaged products.

Faced with this ecological disaster, companies are trying to find solutions to fight against food waste.

In February 2019, a white paper signed by associations and by the Too Good To Go application denounced the role of expiry dates in food waste, reported Le Figaro. According to this document, these deadlines are responsible for 20% of food waste in homes. Solutions were therefore proposed, such as moving the date back by one day.

In the United Kingdom, it is a more radical decision that some large retailers have adopted. Indeed, The Guardian explains that, from September, the supermarket chain Waitrose will remove the expiry dates from nearly 500 products in a bid to reduce waste.

“By removing expiration dates from our products, we want our customers to use their own judgment in deciding whether a product is safe to eat or not, which will increase its chances of being consumed and not becoming waste,” justifies Marja Rompani, director of sustainability and ethics at John Lewis Partnership, which owns Waitrose, in the British daily.

Here are 5 products concerned by this measure which could, perhaps, inspire French brands.