Sunday morning we turn the clock an hour back
Sunday morning we turn the clock an hour back

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, the magic tricks, we have the time. At 3 o’clock in the morning, the clock is an hour back to land, we are five months into the program. It is possible for the second-to-last (or the last) time that we switch to daylight savings time.

in The summer time, and daylight savings time will be in Belgium in 1977, is applied. The main purpose of which was energy saving, it is more daylight to enjoy. Opponents point out that the distortion of the rhythm. But at the end of fiddling with, and the watches come slowly into view.

SEE ALSO. “Buy daylight saving time changes and resistance to clock a half an hour”:

finally, On a proposal from the European Commission, the European Parliament, at the end of march of this year, at the semi-annual switch between summer time and standard time is in 2021 to be purchased. Concretely, this would have the Urges all the member states in march 2021 and for the last time, to switch to daylight saving time. The member states which are in the continuous daylight savings time is preferable, which would be in October of the same year, for the last time to the clock, an hour at a time. The scheme, parliament should have an agreement with the member states.

The European Commission had, however, hoped that the people of europe in march 2019 and for the final time, an hour of sleep would be lost, but it is the governments stated that they needed more time to deal with the matter to be discussed. The European Parliament wants the member states to which the additional period of view, to make any inquiries as to organize among themselves to consult each other.

the Flemish people will choose for the summer, Waal, that tends to be winter time

the is A large majority of Belgians (83%) is in favour of the idea of summer, and the daylight savings time should be abolished. But whether or not we are permanently in the summer than in the winter time to live in, opinions are more divided. According to a public opinion poll among the 2,000 civilians that have been carried out on the initiative of the belgian federal public service Chancellery of the prime minister, Charles Michel.

throughout the country, there is a slight preference for the winter time, as it turns out. Half of the respondents said there is a greater or a lesser degree of differentiation behind in the winter time”, this is it. The setting receives the support of 45 percent of the survey respondents.

The preferred method for permanent winter time is reflected in both the Flemish region (52 per cent for the winter time, and 43% in summer) and in the Brussels capital region (51%/42%). In the Walloon region, however, is to choose slightly more of the respondents to the summer time than the winter time (respectively, 49 and 47 percent).

the poll shows that 79 percent of the respondents think that in Belgium it is the same tijdregeling, as in the neighbouring countries.

The chancellery and heard a number of experts, but in the majority of sectors that appear to have no preference to summer or winter time. Only the sports/recreational sector and tourism, opting for the daylight saving time.

It is left to the next government to deal with the harmonization of the timetable at the European level in the future. They will review the results of the survey to take into account for its position, and reads it.