Sundar Pinchai Google changes after protests dealing with harassment allegations
Sundar Pinchai Google changes after protests dealing with harassment allegations

Sundar Pichai – Google announces measures to combat sexual harassment After protests, the group has announced new practices in relation to sexism and racism. The company wants to allow you to lawsuits and seminars to offer. © Photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Photo/dpa

According to employee protests, Google has announced to change its company policy for dealing with allegations of sexual harassment. “In the future, we will work transparent with complaints and concerns,” wrote the group chief Sundar Pichai in an E-Mail to employees. “For us, it is clear that we need to change many things.”

The Google CEO introduced a “comprehensive action plan” by the employees better. The management of the company intends to inform more concrete about the investigation of conduct suspected of sexual misconduct. Among the measures to allow the employees to decide for themselves whether the cases of sexual harassment in front of private arbitration courts will be held. In addition, the group intends to extend a mandatory Training on the issue and offer “Live Support” in case of complaints and concerns.

a week Ago, some 20,000 Persons had protested in approximately 50 cities around the world with temporary work stoppages and rallies against sexual Assault. The organizers accused the Executive Committee, not energetic enough to deal with them. “We know that we have made in the past always get it right, and the sorry is sincere,” wrote Pichai now in his newsletter.

Previously had revealed to the New York Times a number of alleged cases of sexual harassment, by Google-employees, and the companies accused of concealing such incidents. Then, Pichai announced that in the past two years, 48 employees because of the assault allegations had been dismissed. In an Interview with the newspaper Pichai had also said said his company had already introduced in the past few years, a “very hard line” against inappropriate behavior. This had been not always properly implemented.

For special attention in the New York Times revealed the case of Andy Rubin, the developer of the Smartphone operating system Android. He had left Google in 2014 – according to the New York Times because of sexual misconduct. The newspaper reported that the company had paid Rubin nevertheless, a severance payment in the amount of $ 90 million (79 million euros). Rubin’s spokesman, rejected the assault allegations.