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According to INSEE, the general price increase was 5.6% over one year in March 2023. Households are particularly affected by the increase in food products: 15.8% on average last month. In this context, consumers are looking for all the good deals to reduce their expenses: promotions, loyalty programs…

However, in recent years, large retailers have been trying to retain their customers by offering them a subscription system. The principle is simple: in exchange for a monthly subscription, between 5 and 10 euros, the buyer benefits from a fixed reduction of 10 to 15% on certain products from a given purchase amount.

According to Boursorama, this type of loyalty program is advantageous when the percentage reduction on monthly expenses amortizes the payment of the subscription. It is then necessary to determine if, according to its purchasing habits and its volume of shopping, the reduction will be advantageous. According to Boursorama, the subscription would be profitable from 40 euros of purchase in certain brands, from 70 euros for others.

The profitability of a loyalty subscription also depends on consumption habits: you have to buy the products included in the loyalty program. However, these are frequently private label products. Finally, you have to be loyal to one and the same brand. According to Boursorama, French households frequent an average of 4 large retailers. You must then be ready to limit yourself to one and the same brand.

Discover in the slideshow below which brands offer a loyalty subscription and at what price.