Stunning images of Saturn the most detailed to date
Stunning images of Saturn the most detailed to date

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space telescope Hubble he has spent the last 30 years orbiting 547 kilometres above the Earth , providing incredible images. The latest, of our cosmic neighbourhood. And one in particular has caught the attention of scientists: the photography of Saturn to 1.350 million kilometers of distance , with a sharpness never before seen by the Hubble space telescope.

At this time, it is summer in the northern hemisphere of Saturn , which, as we can see, means that your top half of the north is tilted toward the Sun (and us). But it is not summer as that of the Earth: the gas giant gets most of its heat inside her, instead of taking it from the Sun, and the average temperature is -178 degrees Celsius (-288 degrees F).

In the picture you can also see a slight fog red in the northern hemisphere . NASA believes that this could be due to the heat of the sunlight that changes the atmospheric circulation or changes in the photochemical smog on the planet. As you can see in the bottom, the south pole has a tone slightly blue . “It is surprising that even in a few years, we are seeing the seasonal changes on Saturn,” he says in a press release, the planetary science Amy Simon, of the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA.

Ademñas, you can see some of the 82 moons of Saturn: Mimas , the small dot to the right of the image, and Enceladus , the point is slightly larger in the lower part of the image.

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