resim 55
resim 55

After the strong mobilization of January 31, the fight continues more than ever against the pension reform project. On the evening of the second day of national mobilization, Gabriel Attal had sent a message to the unions on TF1 news: “If you continue to mobilize, continue to do so while respecting the French who work”

Faced with the scale of the protest movement, this message will not prevent, subsequently, a call for a massive mobilization for February 7 and 11. The French will be there.

As Le Monde reports, at least 1.272 million people demonstrated across France on Tuesday, according to Interior Ministry figures. A record against social reform since 1995. In all the major cities of France, the French were in the streets and intended to make their anger heard at the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 years.

And even if the mobilization will extend over the school holidays, there is no question of letting our guard down since from Monday 6 the bill is expected in the hemicycle.

Blocking of high schools, refineries, removal of trains, planes … all trades are preparing even if, at present, we do not yet know the extent of the mobilization.

Overview of the third day of strikes and the main sectors mobilized according to bfmtv information.