Strike averted railway and trade Union EVG some 61 percent more pay
Strike averted railway and trade Union EVG some 61 percent more pay

The Deutsche Bahn and the EVG trade Union have settled their dispute. Further Strikes are averted. Further, the collective labor dispute with the Union of German train drivers (GDL), which has declared the negotiations failed, and first of all, in the arbitration would have to be unresolved, however.

The agreement between the railway and the ECG, provides for a wage increase of a total of 6.1 percent in two stages. 1. July 2019 to increase wages by 3.5 per cent, a year later, once again, by 2.6 percent, as the EVG announced on Saturday in Berlin. In addition, the employees will receive in February a one-off payment of 1000 Euro.

“Our warning strike has sent a clear signal,” said ECG negotiator Regina Rusch-Ziemba on Saturday morning. “We wanted more money and a shorter term than that of the DB AG offered 34 months.” This can be thanks to the “great participation” of the ECG members in the labour struggle.

The final was now an “important sign of appreciation for our staff,” said DB Board member for human resources, Martin Seiler after four days of negotiations in Berlin. Now could focus all its efforts on the Agenda for a better railway to implement, and to be in terms of quality and punctuality is better.