resim 135
resim 135

Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind. We speak of a “storm” when an atmospheric disturbance generates gusts of wind of more than 89km/h, or degree 10 on the Beaufort scale. In general, these masses of air are accompanied by rains, and, sometimes, thunderstorms… And occur rather during the months of autumn and winter, between November and February.

If you can feel safe when you are well wrapped up at home, you must keep in mind that this type of bad weather can generate a danger for you and for your environment. As the official government site reminds us, there are a number of precautions to take to avoid drama, or simple inconvenience.

When the wind picks up, or a weather report warns of the risk of a storm, stop all outdoor activity and go take shelter. At home, bring in objects likely to be damaged and unplug your electrical appliances. You can also close your windows and shutters to prevent breakage.

If you must stay outside, there are several recommendations:

In France, some regions are more affected by strong winds than others. Find out which ones in our slideshow below. The information provided is based on data from Météo France. Planet selected the (former) regions according to the number of storms that occurred between 2001 and 2021, with wind gusts greater than 100km/h over at least half of the territory.