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Stéphane Plaza was born on June 6, 1960 in Suresnes in the Hauts-de-Seine, where he spent his childhood in the Paris region. Despite his failure in the economic and social baccalaureate, the young man obtained a certificate of capacity in law. He then had the choice between becoming a medical secretary, croupier or real estate intermediary. His choice was quickly made and he quickly started as a real estate negotiator in his cousin’s agency, where he remained for nearly 14 years.

It was in 2005 that Stéphane Plaza’s career took another turn. Around this time, the agent was spotted at a real estate fair by the French television production company “Réservoir Prod”, founded by Jean-Luc Delarue. He was then recruited as a real estate expert for a new television program inspired by the concept of real estate sales across the Atlantic.

From his debut on television on M6, the host has remained faithful to the private channel. He has presented various shows of the genre such as Search apartment or house (since 2006), House for sale (since 2007), but also Hunters of Appart (since 2015), Better at home and The best offer with Julien Courbet (from 2019).

In 2006, a Parisian promoter created “Plaza Immobilier”. Shortly after, the career of the TV host took off, and he decided to go to the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) to register his trademarks “Stéphane Plaza”, “Plaza Immobilier” and “Stéphane Plaza Immobilier”.

It was there that he discovered that his name was already being used by this same promoter. He then decided to send him a formal notice in 2012, asking him to stop using his name, explains Le Parisien. A legal battle then ensued. The High Court finally rendered its decision in 2016 and Stéphane Plaza lost the “Plaza Immobilier” brand on the grounds that this name was too widespread in the real estate field.

Alongside his television career, Stéphane Plaza had the opportunity to shine on the boards. In 2014, the host played comedy in the play On the left when leaving the elevator by Gérard Lauzier at the Bouffes-Parisiens. A great experience that he decided to repeat again the following year.

In 2015, Stéphane Plaza starred in Sylvain Meyniac’s play Le fusible. He embodies the role of a 45-year-old businessman who wants to change his life, but loses his memory the day he has to leave his wife and sell his company.

On June 6, 2016, Christiane, Stéphane Plaza’s mother died of cancer. Very affected, the animator had then taken a break in his filming, the time to mourn the one he called his “sun”.

A year later, the real estate agent let his tears flow on the boards of the Bouffes-Parisiens theater wanting to pay tribute to his mother. “It’s a special evening for me and a complicated moment, because my mother has left, I think there will be two of us on stage”. The host is still inconsolable even if he knows he can count on the support of his most faithful friend and colleague Karine Lemarchand.

On May 14, Stéphane Plaza took over his Instagram account to confide in his private life. With his fans, the flagship host of M6 revealed to suffer from dyspraxia, a chronic neurological disorder which manifests itself from childhood.

“It’s an alteration in the communication between the brain and the body, the 2 work very well, but not together”, he explained, describing certain symptoms which bother him on a daily basis, such as clumsiness, dyslexia, as well as difficulty tying shoelaces and controlling strength. “Disabilities are a form of singularity that always highlights so many other unsuspected qualities!”, Assures the one who suffers from this disease, like other celebrities like Johnny Hallyday or Jean Dujardin.

In an interview published on May 29 in Le Journal du Dimanche, Stéphane Plaza returned to a persistent rumor around his sexual orientation. If the M6 ​​host has never hidden playing a certain ambiguity in his statements or during his broadcasts in the past, the friend of Karine Le Marchand has always kept his private life very secret.

Often evoking in the media “loved people” without ever specifying their gender, relate our colleagues, many fans wonder about his attraction to women and / or men. “I find it crazy that people are asking this kind of question about me”, regrets Stéphane Plaza in the JDD before clarifying things, once and for all. “Well, I’m saying it for the first time: I’m heterosexual. That’s it”.

Long discreet on this very intimate subject, Stéphane Plaza has always preferred to maintain the mystery, ignoring rumors about him. “When we talk about his private life, it’s immediately listed, engraved in stone, even distorted … I prefer to ignore”, confided the actor renowned for his saucy humor in 2017 for Télé 7 Jours.