State theatre in Wiesbaden In heaven we sin more
State theatre in Wiesbaden In heaven we sin more

This piece is really a scandal. Even four hundred years later, one still understands why it disappeared soon after its world premiere in 1633 by the game plans. It had to be forbidden to cumbersome, it was understood, apparently, that this Verhohnepipelung of the clergy and of the nobles, could not-inflict serious-Take of the sacrament of marriage, this Triumph of the Morals of the people. Because as if all this were not bad enough, is at the heart of John Ford’s “Pity she was a whore” is an incestuous sibling couple that loves without remorse.

of Course, the Italian Parma-based story, as far as possible away from Elizabethan London, not good. The moronic nobles, a hypocritical cardinal and lots of testosterone-driven young Machos existing company, brings to the end your right, and the only consolation for Annabella (Llewellyn Reichman) and her brother Giovanni (Linus contactor), it is that their death is self-determined, and some don’t have to die innocent people along with them. At the end of the stage looks like in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, but the mourning ends the game with the scornful laughter of the Survivors.

As a Film by Quentin Tarantino

Anyway everything goes great for a disordered mess. Tragedy and Farce, travesty and clothes, brutal zerjuxte violence and delicate, lyrical Romance, as it was a Film by Quentin Tarantino. John Ford has held up to any rules, the Indigestible-Monstrous of the substance, is reflected in the bizarre mix of drama formats. In any case, Bernd Mottls staging in the Small house of the state theatre Wiesbaden this track, and shows the way, that the era besides Shakespeare and Marlowe brought another playwright of rank.

in Order to make the slipperiness of the story is obvious, Friedrich Eggert, who signed for the disgusting artificial Polish costumes with Renaissance-Appeal responsible, a shimmering black night club on the stage, in the middle of a mixture of circular Lotter bed and Striptease on stage, with a pole for dancing go-go Girls. Of course, a professional Pole dance Dancerin here, exaggerated erotic during the Anna Bella’s pregnancy made it necessary to flash marriage with Soranzo (Matze bird), also he, like all men, except for Giovanni, a gross, self-consumed logs.

Even in death, full of life greed

That Giovanni and Annabella are not able to survive in this narrow environment, show Mottl and Eggert by the costumes. Only lovers wear mostly wigs and paint clothes, characteristically disappear during the trivial wedding party behind absurd artificial materials. An ideal Pair of also not, but the show decided to let their love and Lust. Especially Annabella is by no means a braves, he girl, she knows what she wants, and in the second your of Giovanni-induced death is full of life and greed. No feelings of guilt to know the brothers and sisters, do not fear the Beyond, only anticipation, meet each other there again.