Staf Coppens and married again in New York city
Staf Coppens and married again in New York city

the Staff of Coppens (38) and his wife Monique van der Velden in New York and have their marriage vows renewed. The VTM presenter stated that two of the photos on Instagram with the message, “Because I’m still on the rooftops, wanted to scream how much I love you…” set.

finally, Coppens, and Van der Velden, got to know each other in 2006 through the program of Dancing on ice. S e married, on the 20th of september, 2014, and have two children, Beau and Nora. The children were also present at the ceremony.

That the Av of his resolve reaffirmed, in New York, where he was today, walking in the marathon.

This e-mail message on Instagram

We renewed our vows ???? Since I’m still on the rooftops, wanted to scream how much I love you … @monique.the.of the.field #denuevaphoto.

A message that is shared by Staf Coppens (@staf_coppens) on.

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