resim 1190
resim 1190

Double letters are often sources of error, to our delight. If in speech, double consonants pose no problem for us, when it comes to writing them, we raise the pen in the air. Do we write “erroneous” or “erroneous”? “Balad” or “ballad”? Some do not leave a shadow of a doubt about the doubling of their consonant like the verb “to pass”. If there was only one “s”, everyone would pronounce “pazer”. In other words, it is very often a real headache.

“That’s not what it’s called”, “Lyon: the Parc OL stadium will be called Groupama Stadium”, headlined Le Parisien some time ago. Otherwise, it must also be said that the examples are numerous and frequent on the web (social networks), or even on various published articles, like these poorly written titles. The conjugation of the verb “to call” brings with it its share of clumsiness and spelling mistakes. Avoidable spelling errors.

Like the example mentioned above, the call of the two “l”s is tempting in writing. But that of the “l” without another letter “l” is just as important. So we often ask ourselves countless questions. But, to be able to avoid systematic error, let us remember that there are two mnemonic devices. Two very simple tricks from the very pronunciation of the verb to prevent us from making mistakes both orally and on paper. If your verb “to call” brings the sound “è”, then it will always be written with two “l”. For example: “he calls” (pronounced call), “I will call back” (pronounced call).

On the other hand, if the verb “to call” obliges you to close the vowel and pronounce a “eu”, this one will then be written with a single “l”. For example: “we call”, “you called” are exceptions made to the noun “call”. Indeed, despite its pronunciation in “è”, the noun is written as it is, without double consonants.

After reviewing these few rules, instead take a look at this quiz in our slideshow below to highlight your skills. This contains ten questions, followed by the answers at the end of the slide show. Take your pens! Ready? Answer!