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The beautiful proof of love of Sophie Tapie. This Monday, November 21 was a symbolic day for the singer since her companion Baptiste Germain was celebrating his birthday. On this occasion, Bernard Tapie’s daughter published a statement on her ephemeral Instagram story, for her darling’s 22nd birthday.

In a photo where she appears alongside her partner and their adorable dog, the 34-year-old artist took the opportunity to tackle her critics. “Age is just a number and love can’t count. I love you,” she wrote on social media, highlighting their solid union with a very clear message . “The two of us against the rest of the world”, a hashtag she takes under certain photos on her Instagram page. “Thank you all for your messages”, also thanked the sportsman, yesterday on his official account.

After having faced the death of her father in 2021 and the end of her marriage with her ex-husband Jean-Mathieu Marinetti, which she revealed last May, Sophie Tapie is swimming in happiness again. Last July, the actress formalized her relationship with rugby player Baptiste Germain. A sportsman who did not leave the young woman (and her many admirers) insensitive to his charm.

Well known to oval ball fans, Baptiste Germain started out in the Cubzaguais RC club of Saint-André-de-Cubzac, then in Bordeaux Bègles. After starting his professional career with the Bordelais, he joined the ranks of the Toulousain stadium in 2019 where he won the 2021 European Cup with his team, as well as the 2021 French championship and the 2021 French championship, according to his biography relayed by Gala.

Since 2022, Baptiste Germain has been loaned by his club to Biarritz Olympique for one year. A region that the rugby player likes as much as the singer, according to the statements of his companion. “It was a choice half imposed, half wanted,” he admits to France Bleu pays basque. Happier than ever, the lovebirds cultivate discretion, and regardless of their 12-year gap. Focus in pictures on the young couple through our slideshow.