resim 34
resim 34

A storm is approaching, but this time it is not rain or wind but magnetic storms. It will not be limited to a department or even a country, the whole Earth will be affected.

On Saturday January 30, the SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) satellite detected a solar flare. This was followed by a bulletin from NASA’s Space weather prediction center (SWPC) dated Monday January 31st which states that “multiple analyzes carried out by forecasters indicated an arrival on Earth from the end of February 1st until the beginning of February 2.” It is also revealed that “all geomagnetic storm conditions are likely to persist until February 3 at weakening levels”, as reported by Midi Libre.

This storm classified as “moderate” by the SWPC is the first of the year. It is the result of a new solar flare cycle, which our star has entered since late 2019, and which is expected to peak around 2025.

This plasma propulsion is composed of electrically charged particles of ions and electrons. It causes an “electromagnetic gust which is now heading towards the Earth at 2.3 million km/h” indicates the Sciences et Avenir website.

Fortunately, the Earth’s magnetic shield should protect us from this gaseous bubble. This is why the consequences should be minimal:

So there is nothing to worry about regarding this alert. In the future, other events of this kind may cause “electrical and electromagnetic cuts over large and inhabited territories”, indicates Midi Libre.