So what can we learn from Sisu or a Finnish zelfleiderschap
So what can we learn from Sisu or a Finnish zelfleiderschap

So, what can we learn from Finland? Self-willed perseverance that will guide you step-by-step helps, will be in the area. The Ghent-based procesbegeleidster Geertrui De Cock is a Flemish ambassador for the Finnish concept of Sisu as an attitude to life. “Sisu is such a thing as not pleuje, but it looks more and gelaagder.”

as Everybody knows now, however, Ikigai, and Hygge (is it?), but what will Sisu come from? “They’d have to be a big zelfrelativeringsvermogen,” says the Geertrui De Cock. “At the same time, Finland is number 1 in the World Happiness Index, is a leader in education, innovation… in many ways it is a model country. While 100 years ago, it is still one of the poorest countries in Europe. I’ve been there myself for three years living, studying and working, so I know how the country works. The bottom line is that in a State there are always succeed in order to make the best of the cards they have in their hands: it is what it is. Couple that with a kind, attractive, and toughness, and then you get to Sisu.” The story a little bit, you can read Sisu as:

People are greedy cynics. “Why are we the best country in the world. Because of all of the unfortunate people committed suicide”. This is the kind of black humour is typical of the Finnish language. An interesting contradiction in terms. Three-quarters of the year, it is cold and dark, and you don’t want to live there. There is a long border with Russia, a perpetual geo-political shadow. That has led them on down through the generations, forced to take action: what can we do it, in spite of our geographic and demographic limitations? They’d have been pig-headed and self-absorbed, but there are books, and they have the result with you. I like to call them, like wijseigen. They are also good entrepreneurs, that is me in the mix, showed that between the business and it to ensure.

That last point is really in their DNA. From the bottom up to happen there are a lot of other things, co-creation, the company has decided. Children, there are a lot of used to be self-reliant and responsible than in the us. People are so clever, your own very self, but with a huge communitygevoel. I was attracted by the way they have limitations, can turn into an opportunity.”