resim 190
resim 190

Because a woman doesn’t get the day off she wanted, she sends her twin sister to work. The fraud is exposed, the boss reacts.

Canadian influencers Ari and Noe Chance are identical twins. One of the two needed a day off, but her boss didn’t approve. Since they are genetically identical, the working sister sent her twin to work. The two assumed that the exchange would not attract attention.

Maybe he would have too. But the twins shared their exchange with their followers via TikTok. Not a good idea, because the employer discovered the video and thus the fraud. In an official letter, which the twins also shared on TikTok, the employer described their behavior as “completely unacceptable.”

The letter said their behavior was “a slap in the face to colleagues who follow the rules and to the company that trusts them.” The employer also emphasized the importance of behaving professionally both in and out of the workplace.

Their actions would not only harm themselves, but also the company’s reputation. Such disregard for protocol and decorum is shocking and will not be tolerated.

The manager, who was only called ‘John’, demanded an immediate explanation for the behavior and an ‘action plan’ to rectify the situation. He warned unequivocally: “Any further misconduct will result in serious consequences, including possible disciplinary action.”

Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg divides into two separate embryos early in development. These twins are genetically identical, meaning they have the same DNA.

They usually look very similar and often have similar predispositions for certain diseases and characteristics. Because they come from the same fertilized egg, identical twins are always of the same sex.

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