Skiing in the hall rarely snows in the Winter in
Skiing in the hall rarely snows in the Winter in

Around 12 million skiers, snowboarders and cross-country skiers, there is, according to the German ski Federation in Germany. But it is rare snow falls always. Climate change August want to brave the Pollen, and John Janz, the Executive Director of the Allrounder Mountain Resort GmbH & co. KG from the Rhine city of Neuss.

It began in 1997 after a pub visit, as the two went on the way to the taxi the snow-covered monk stood Gladbach pedestrian area. “We thought if we had Skis, we could just go down,” says Janz. They wanted to get a “Skievent in our town”, not least in order to advertise for her on ski trips, specialized Alpine travel Agency, which they had established after their training instructors.

And so turned Janz and Pollen, the sloping mönchengladbach’s main shopping street into a ski slope, on the 1997, the Synchro-Ski world Cup was played. Almost 300 000 spectators cheered, according to their testimony, the spectacle. “At that time, we have seen what emotions can cause snow, if he doesn’t show up where you least expect him.”

Six halls in Germany

After two and a half years of planning, nine months of construction and 40 million Euro initial investment was it on 4. In January 2001, so far have been: In Neuss, the gates of the first indoor ski hall in Germany, which is now called Jever Fun ski hall opened. Meanwhile, there are six indoor ski slopes in Germany. The Alpin center in Bottrop was opened only four days after the Resort in Neuss. Later, two halls in the North of Germany, the Snow Dome in Bispingen and the alpincenter in Hamburg-Wittenburg, as well as the snow tropolis in Senftenberg in the Lusatian and long-run hall in Thuringia.

“all-rounder produced with the help of an ideal isolated and closed system with an almost constant and minimum energy consumption in each Season of the art snow itself. This is not a cold loss to the outside,“ says the press spokesperson of the company, Ricarda Meier. The insulated walls ensured that even in the height of summer, the air temperature in the hall constant, minus 3 degrees and the humidity at about 60 percent. Under the up to 14-Meter-high ceiling mounted twelve snow cannons can produce 80 cubic meter of fresh powder snow.

Today, all-rounder use only water and cold air for snow-making; chemical additives were not used. “For a cubic meter of snow, we use 350 litres of water. Depending on the production for large-scale events, the Snow cover can increase significantly more than half a Meter,“ says Meier. The track is 300 meters long, the snow depth is 50 centimeters. There is a new children’s and beginner’s slopes, 100 meters in length.