resim 1952
resim 1952

In this month of April 2023, Spain is the victim of an advanced drought, with temperatures which sometimes rise to more than 40 degrees, as reported by 20 Minutes. The effects of global warming are therefore already felt in the Iberian Peninsula, leading in particular to multiple economic and agri-food losses. In France, the drought is also felt in several dozen departments with a more than delicate situation in the south of the country. The direct consequences of these climatic phenomena could impact the production and especially the cost of fruit and vegetables in France.

In France, certain fruits and vegetables are affected by these unusual times. Many growers complain about the lack of precipitation in the country. In March, the groundwater level was below normal for the seasons, as announced by the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM). In the middle of winter, our country even experienced 32 consecutive days without a single drop of rain, making a large part of the soil completely dry.

In Picardy, some asparagus producers are showing their pessimism about future annual production. Even worse, production is down sharply in 2023, with an estimated loss of 40%, according to Franceinfo. The latter require more rain for a larger harvest.

Spain is also the subject of many doubts concerning its production exported to France, in view of a harsh drought. “This drought will have consequences for the fruit and vegetable sector, because it is Spain that sets the “the”. There will undoubtedly be a drop in supplies and tensions on the availability of products”, as explains Olivier Dauvers, retail specialist.

Despite doubts about the supply of our stalls, very few shortages should occur, even if shortages cannot be excluded. Eventually, a rise in the price of fruits and vegetables begins to become a serious matter. “With this trajectory, prices will inevitably increase for zucchini, tomatoes, salads, peaches, nectarines and apricots which are due to arrive in France in May and June,” as the specialist reports to Le Parisien.

Find out which fruits and vegetables are a source of questioning about possible shortages but above all about an increase in their price.