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At the age of 78, Françoise Hardy is a true force of nature. For several years, the singer has contracted several diseases including two cancers. In 2004, she learned that she had cancer of the lymphatic system. “When I learned that I was sick, it was a shock all of a sudden”, she explained in a documentary broadcast in 2017 and to add: “I was told: ‘You have lymphoma (a cancer of the lymphatic system). I barely knew what it was.”

Fourteen years later, the fate seems to relentlessly against the interpreter of My friend the rose. On November 19, 2018, Jacques Dutronc revealed in the columns of the magazine Ici Paris that his partner is again suffering from cancer. “It is only a small tumor in the pharynx (cavity where the digestive and respiratory tracts end, editor’s note) for which she is currently undergoing radiotherapy sessions. The results are encouraging. She must be treated for another two weeks. Then she’ll go home to rest. She’s a little tired, but nothing to worry about,” he told Gala.

Invited to the RMC antenna on May 31, 2020, Thomas Dutronc, Françoise Hardy’s son, was rather worried about his current health. “I haven’t seen my parents since the start of confinement,” he said before adding: “I tried to see my mother today but she had a little temperature, she didn’t She’s not in great health, poor thing. I wanted to wait but it seems to have passed, she looks fine. It’s anxiety and worry. My mother, who had several cancers is in the population at risk. It’s a lot of worry but I’m careful, “he explained.

More recently, in the columns of Purecharts, Thomas Dutronc had revealed that she “is never well” and that she had “phlebitis on the knee” which prevented her from walking “for two months”. In the rest of the interview, her son explained that she was assisted on a daily basis. “It’s a bit of hell! She has people for the toilet… Her life is not fun! She sees my father twice a year. She has friends who go to see her, she does some stuff, his pleasure is to watch good films… But that’s how it is”.