Bad luck for the Anuna The Truth all of the 4 weeks with the boat on the way to the summit on climate change in Chile which is now cancelled
Bad luck for the Anuna The Truth all of the 4 weeks with the boat on the way to the summit on climate change in Chile which is now cancelled

The kilmaattop in Chile, where the Anuna, The Truth has been since the beginning of October, on their way to a sailing boat and are going through. The Chilean president, stunned the conference on Wednesday by the United Nations due to the unrest in the country. “But we go anyway, further into the Amazon rainforest,” said Weaver.

“Our government has decided to set up the international climate change conference COP25 of the United Nations, not to the organization, was announced by president Sebastián Piñera Wednesday afternoon, our time, and the news is on. “It was a difficult and painful decision to make.” The Chilean government is to say that no other option, due to the ongoing social protests in the country.

The announcement is particularly embarrassing for the Anuna, The Truth. The spokesperson of the Youth for Climate change) and the Belgian klimaatmarsen place since the beginning of October, a course with a sailing boat to South America in order to, among other things, the climate change summit in Chile in which to live. The yacht Regina Maris, sailing now at the level of the Country. Within two weeks of the lakes in the state of Recife.

“We have just heard that the COP25 has been cancelled. The mood on board, sad. Each of the 36 people in this country are geshokeerd,” says the Anuna, The Truth. “We are waiting for further information to see if we can have the conference somewhere else to be able to attend. But a lot of it will depend on where it is organized.”

“No commitment”

the Anuna, The Truth also know, that in their voyage across the ocean would not be cancelled. Their sailing boat to move further in the direction of South America. “We’ve got a big project on the Amazon river. It is, therefore, not a waste of a mission. It was not in our control. And we did it: we’ve been in the boat business and we would be on the COP25 have been up to.”

According to early rumors, the conference may, in Bonn, germany, is only 230 kilometers from Brussels, belgium. Though this is not confirmed by the UN secretary general on climate change, Patricia Espinosa. “Earlier today, I was informed of the decision by the Chilean government to host the COP25 in view of the difficult situation in which the land is located. We are currently investigating alternative options.”

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Anuna-The Truth is a call to klimaatbetoging from the boat of Tenerife: “Ministers have clearly not understood it”

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