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Alert among all users of Apple devices. The Apple company has sounded the alarm after anonymous researchers revealed a security flaw, due to which hackers could take control of various devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.) … And this, without your permission. A possibility that could have been “actively exploited”, according to the firm.

According to information from Le Parisien, the notices posted on Apple’s official website indicate that the devices concerned are:

How to protect your electronic devices from hackers? To remedy this important security issue, Apple recommends that its users update their operating software by downloading iOS version 15.6.1 for smartphones, iPadOS 15.6.1 for tablets, and macOS Monterey 12.5. 1 for computers.

Indeed, the old version of the operating software is at the origin of the flaw, an application being able to “use arbitrary code” with yet unauthorized access to the device. “Which means that a hacker can perform actions without authorization”, sums up the Ile-de-France daily. Additionally, the group added that the flaw could be exploited via “maliciously crafted internet content”.

In general, and even if you do not have one of the electronic devices mentioned above, the updates allow you to protect yourself from possible security breaches. Be sure to do them carefully.