resim 78
resim 78

It punctuates the lives of millions of people across France: the school calendar. It is not only the prerogative of schoolchildren, who must submit to it: many French people refer to it to take their leave, go on vacation, return to work or celebrate holidays.

These dates are not decided at random: they meet a certain number of criteria put in place by the Ministry of National Education.

For practical reasons, France is divided into three when it comes to most school holidays. Each zone therefore has specific dates, which can often overlap by one week.

For the 2022-2023 school year, which therefore begins in September, the agenda has just been unveiled, and the first disappointed have already made themselves known. Indeed, one of the bad news of this calendar is that next year there should be only one bridge for everyone, that of Ascension. But zone A is an exception: while the others will be on vacation, it will be able to enjoy two other three-day weekends, because May 1 and May 8 fall on a Monday.

If you are not subject to school obligations, referring to the calendar is always very useful: it lets you know when the roads will be crowded, the tickets increased and the hotels booked en masse by families.

Discover all the dates of this new calendar in our slideshow.