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Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in different areas of our daily lives: voice assistance, content writing, video games, cybersecurity… It does us a lot of service and embodies for many the future. But these are not its only uses. Computer hackers use this software that simulates human intelligence to create ever more effective and difficult to spot scams.

Until a few years ago, hackers had to be equipped with advanced technical skills in order to create successful scams: whether it was photo or video editing, virus creation… Now, it is increasingly easy to create credible scams. This evolution is partly due to generative AIs and their great accessibility.

Generative AIs are a type of AI capable of generating text, images or sounds in response to keywords provided by a user. In other words, the AI ​​can, for example, imitate a singing celebrity simply by analyzing their voice data available online. According to 20 Minutes, the best-known generative AIs include Midjourney for creating images and ElevenLabs for creating synthetic voices, among others.

Put in the wrong hands, these technologies make it possible to create more real-than-life scams. Scammers use these tools to deceive their victims and extract money from them. In order not to be fooled, discover in the slideshow below 5 fraudulent processes using artificial intelligence.