resim 423
resim 423

Turning off the tap water when brushing your teeth is unfortunately not enough to make a difference on the bill. According to Futura Sciences, each inhabitant consumes 146 liters of water per day in France. And for good reason !

To consume better, but also to consume less, French households are encouraged to make more and more efforts in terms of their energy consumption. To do this, they are doubling down on tips and tactics… In the slideshow below, Planet has rounded up six of your best tips for saving water at home.

Have you noticed that your water bill is getting higher and higher? According to the public service, the increase in your water bill is considered abnormal when your consumption “exceeds double the average volume consumed over the last three years”.

This irregularity is generally explained by a water leak. If you haven’t detected anything, ask your water service, who will check that your meter is working properly.

“Your request must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within 1 month from the notification”, specifies the public service. If there is indeed a malfunction, you will, of course, not have to pay the excess on your bill.