Kelly Pfaff will give many weeks of the very best parts of themselves on the dance floor of the Dancing with the stars , and will be rewarded with a surprise of its size. Her dance partner Andrei wants to be in their next encounter with the iconic dance moves of her husband, Sam Gooris cross, but he has a few of the lessons of the jolly singer and. himself . And even though Sam’s class is in his best English, to the effect that his famous dance moves, even for a professional dancer is not easy.

Dancing with the Stars’, Sunday at 20 o’clock, in FOUR.

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see also:

Funny of: Sam Gooris is on the stage, but repacked quickly

Sam Gooris is drinking at the BREAST, in Kruibeke at marquee beer ad fundum is empty: “Another core”:
find out More about ‘Dancing with the Stars Final in tears when he was emotional telling a story from the past, Christoff went through a big dip after a hard criticism of ‘Dancing with the stars,” and “operation mom, “My body wanted it more” Evy Gruyaert, can’t dance, Julie Vermeire, reveals a rare guilty pleasure to put Evy Gruyaert-of necessity-with ‘Dancing with the stars”?