the well-Known rapper Ronnie Flex, it was overlaatst been the victim of a botched robbery. On the surveillance video, we can see how a guy dressed up as a pizza delivery boy is ringing the door bell when She is. He will remain for a while at the door, but it quickly became clear that there was no one at home. If no one will show up at the door, are two of the other men, who in the ‘pizza delivery boy’ was heard. Ronnie Flex-handed later on to the bewakingsbeelden on social media, and commended the payment of a sum of up to eur 10,000, for his and the best advice you can give about the bandits.
< / P>see also:
the Child (12), and a cashier with a gun and threatened during a violent attack at convenience store
the Man sitting in front of the bar while an armed robbery is taking place, but it puts to rest a cigarette on the
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