The arbitration rules of the medical convention, which must regulate the practice of doctors and in particular set the new rates for consultations with doctors, will soon be in the hands of the Minister of Health and Prevention François Braun.

The impasse in which doctors, patients and Social Security currently find themselves will ideally be resolved very soon since the regulations will be revealed in April according to Franck Devulder, the president of the Confederation of French Medical Unions (CSMF).

Even if the arbitrator Annick Morel (former general inspector of social affairs) did not let anything leak on its content, we already know that two opposing visions and that the device of the territorial engagement contract (CET) is strongly postponed in question. After having questioned one by one the trade unions representing liberal doctors, the associations of users of the health system, and the teams of Thomas Fatôme (General Director of Health Insurance), Annick Morel must now make decisions concerning the arbitration rules of the medical agreement

While the government would like to have a stronger commitment on the part of general practitioners and specialists in order to make access to care better, for their part the doctors would like a reduction in administrative tasks as well as a significant upgrading of their consultations.

The tensions between the unions and the Social Security crystallized following the implementation of the territorial commitment contract (CET), which stipulates the fact of pricing the consultations of the patients differently according to the efforts that the doctors make for the Health care access. This measure, which the arbitrator will surely put aside in view of the disagreements and dissatisfaction, consists for example of authorizing the doctors who have signed this device, to charge a more expensive medical appointment than their refractory colleagues. To give an example, we are talking here about a consultation at 30 euros instead of 26.50 euros.