Riots in Rome 15 Eintracht Fans arrested
Riots in Rome 15 Eintracht Fans arrested

For about a dozen fans of the Bundesliga club Eintracht Frankfurt will have the riots in and around the Europa League game on Thursday when two-time Italian champion Lazio (2:1) a legal aftermath. According to the Roman police were taken “around 15 people”. The officials seized the poison in addition, fireworks and noise. Two Frankfurt supporters were attacked by Lazio Hooligans and hurt.

Already before the match it was a clash here with the police. Five of Eintracht had been taken-trailer. Some German Fans have approached to the Olympic stadium, the access to the Lazio supporters. When the police tried to stop them, flew smoke bombs and firecrackers. Before that, a group of Eintracht-Fans broke into a supermarket in the city centre and had stolen food and alcohol.

Also during the game, the Frankfurt Fans lit fireworks, the police marched in the interior. A Concord trailer was taken at the trial of the square tower. Clashes between the Roman and the Hessian of the problem fans have been reported from the vicinity of the Colosseum.

a Total of around 9000 Traveling from Frankfurt in the stadium, including approximately 400 fans. In terms of the game, the police sharp security had taken precautions. So there was a ban mile around the Arena, all the Tickets were personalized, the sale of alcohol was prohibited.

However, several squares of the city were polluted. Mayor Virginia Raggi criticized the vandalism sharply: “In Rome we like to receive Fans, but no Hooligans. Beasts of this sort should stay at home.“

Clear words from the club management

the Frankfurt club management found clear words. “A small group takes the game to lead their private dispute with Lazio,” said Board member Axel Hellmann: “This small group takes all the other Fans in guilt by Association, which affects perception and mood. The damage they do to Eintracht Frankfurt. This saddens me very much, that makes me sad. We have made a good picture.“

Hellmann, emanating from a penalty in the European football Union (Uefa), said the Rampage fight: “We will never get out from the stadium. But we need to work together to ensure that these forces are not able to let off steam.“