resim 1890
resim 1890

When you retire, you have the right to obtain a retirement pension from the Social Security retirement insurance, called basic retirement, but also a pension from Agirc-Arrco, also called retirement. additoinal. Your basic retirement pension can thus be granted to you at the full rate under certain conditions only. At what age can you receive it without a discount?

You can receive your basic retirement pension at the full rate in several cases. If you retire before age 67 with a sufficient number of quarters of pension insurance, you will not need to suffer a discount. If you have not contributed enough quarters to leave at the legal retirement age, you will have to wait until you are 67 to benefit from this pension at the full rate. The number of quarters required is determined according to your year of birth: for example, if you were born in 1963, you must accumulate 170 quarters to obtain a full pension.

The discount is a reduction that is applied to the amount of your retirement pension when you choose to leave without being entitled to a full pension. The amount of your basic retirement pension therefore depends on the average of your gross salaries from your 25 best years. When you are entitled to a full pension, your retirement pension is calculated on the basis of 50% of this average annual gross salary. You have the possibility of consulting the number of your pension insurance quarters by checking your career statement, available on your retirement account.