resim 835
resim 835

The long democratic process of pension reform recently ended with its validation by the Constitutional Council, then its promulgation by the President of the Republic. Despite the efforts made by the opposition, the unions and the French, social mobilization failed to convince the executive to abandon this reform project. It is now another deadline that awaits the country with September 1, 2023 in sight and the future application of the pension reform. However, some elements still need to be finalized with the publication of certain decrees, but also the adaptation of information systems. Explanations.

For private sector employees as for civil servants, the pension reform must be implemented from September 1st. From this date, the period of insurance required for retirement will be 43 years, while the legal retirement age will gradually increase to the planned threshold of 64 years. A major upheaval in perspective for the French, especially those who had planned to retire soon, but also for pension funds, which must update their system.

Pension schemes are currently working on the gradual modification of their information systems. While it manages several pension schemes for public officials, Caisse des dépôts wishes to organize, as soon as possible, the new parameters necessary for the proper functioning of the process. The new measures imagined for this pension reform must therefore be integrated into the system by the start of the next school year in a rather short period of time to put everything in place with efficiency and precision.

In the long list of pension organizations, the Caisse des dépôts manages the pension of one in five French people. It is currently undergoing an overhaul to integrate pension reform measures into its information system. As Jean-Louis Barsottini, director of the retirement project, explains to our colleagues at Capital, “our objective is to be able to liquidate pensions in September for those who are directly impacted by the reform”.

Still according to Jean-Louis Barsottini, for the two largest schemes, CNRACL and Ircantec, it will be possible “before the end of June, to resume the processing of liquidations for people who are affected by the reform” . In this way, the director of the pension project believes that there will be “no break in resources between the last salary and the payment of the first pension”.

For the time being, the files of the first people affected by the pension reform are on hold. With this in mind, the organizations wish to avoid a liquidation of pensions with the past rules and to be obliged to start operations again with delays of three to six additional months. Michel Yahiel, director of social policies at Caisse des dépôts, believes, for his part, that “the implementation [is] a little more complex for the public authorities”.

According to him, the migration of the system would have been “easier if its implementation had been scheduled for January 1, 2024 or even April 1 or July 1, 2024”. Jean-Louis Barsottini agrees with this, explaining that he “needs more precise regulatory elements” in certain cases. Combined pension employment, phased retirement or even the premium for mothers at age 63 could therefore experience a delay when the time comes.