resim 2020
resim 2020

After a long life of work, the hour of retirement sounds like a well-deserved rest. While your income logically drops during this important stage of life, a retirement pension is calculated based on your career data. If we often know the conditions for granting this pension, can it be paid to someone other than yourself? What are the scenarios where your pension is received by a third party?

Indispensable when your professional activity comes to an end, your retirement pension rewards a life of hard work. However, it is possible, in some cases, that it will be paid to someone other than you. Indeed, at first, part of your pension can go to your spouse in the event of death in the form of a survivor’s pension. To receive it, your life partner must be at least 55 years old and must have been married in order to meet the required conditions. The amount of this pension will be calculated according to the applicant’s resources, i.e. 23,441.60 euros gross maximum per year for a single person.

In other configurations, your retirement pension can also be paid to a third party. Incapacitated adults placed under protective measures, that is to say under guardianship or curatorship, see their retirement being collected by their legal representative. Retirees housed in a long-stay establishment also have the possibility of having a retirement pension paid to the director of the establishment. Finally, prisoners frequently have a retirement pension given to the prison administration.