resim 1191
resim 1191

The period of retirement is a time marked by many changes, which can cause fears and major changes in the rhythm of life. When you apply for your retirement pension, it is therefore essential to be attentive to any errors in your file and to inform your pension fund as soon as possible. Indeed, these data are taken into account in the calculation of your pension and it is essential that they are verified. Nevertheless, it happens that errors remain, but also, in other cases, that a delay in payment of your pension is recorded. How can you remedy this situation?

At the time of retirement, future retirees are often worried about a possible loss of resources, following a change in their salary as a retirement pension. Retirement therefore often rhymes with a decline in the standard of living and purchasing power, a situation that leads to daily difficulties for the most modest retirees. In this context, a failure to pay your pension can permanently upset your balance. It is therefore better to react quickly when this situation arises.

A system was thus put in place in 2015 to avoid late payments: the enforceable right to retirement from the general scheme. It therefore allows retirees to receive their first retirement pension four months after submitting their complete retirement application file. If the file is not yet being processed by the Pension and Occupational Health Insurance Funds (Carsat) after four months, retirees will thus receive a provisional amount.

Thanks to the creation of this device, retirees are supposed to no longer suffer from the delays in payments recorded during the first pensions. To limit payment delays, we advise you to submit your complete file four to six months in advance, while keeping the acknowledgment of receipt given by your pension fund. This will attest to the filing date in the event of a dispute.

Always in order to avoid this type of situation, it is essential to send a complete file. Any incomplete mention will only delay the date of the payment and thus multiply the round trips. According to the mechanism of the enforceable right, the maximum period before your first payment will be four months.

Among the other actions to take to avoid late payment, you can also follow the progress of your file in order to have supporting documents in the event of a significant delay. You must therefore go to your personal space on the Retirement Insurance website in order to be able to view your file.

In any case, be rigorous about the preparation of your retirement file from the age of 40 or 45. It is essential to read your individual statement of situation as soon as possible, but also to be able to provide all of your proof of contribution quarters. All you have to do is send your file six months in advance, as required.