resim 156
resim 156

Some were beginning to think that it would never happen… And yet the pension reform could soon point the tip of its nose. After all, as Planet has already explained, it is the president himself who insists on bringing the subject back to the front of the table quickly. Some even believe that it could be tempted to force its way through, despite all the irrationality of such a political choice. Regardless of the real motivation for a decision of this type, the economist Philippe Crevel recently recalled in our columns, this type of situation will automatically lead to the hasty departure of a certain number of workers. Nothing surprising when you know that the main objective of such a measure is to push French men and women to work longer.

Some, however, risk less than others by retiring early. Everything depends, in fact, on the number of quarters contributed throughout the career. These are useful – essential, even! – the correct calculation of the pension which will then be paid to the future retiree. Remember, moreover, that the number required to be eligible for the full rate varies from one generation to another… Here are the values ​​to know:

Following the pension reform, these data should increase for generations born after 1973 and potentially for some older ones as well. That being said, in the current state of things, it is the French men and women born in the early 1960s who can today claim to retire. Provided you have at least 167 quarters to benefit from the full rate…

Naturally, the calculation of the retirement pension depends on several factors, including:

Therefore, even knowing the exact number of quarters of the insured, it is not possible to say how much he will earn. On the other hand, it is possible to identify the amount of the increase from which he will benefit…

The premium, which must be limited to four additional quarters per year, corresponds to an increase of 1.25% per quarter. Consequently, we are talking here about a 10% premium (8 quarters more than the minimum required, multiplied by the rate of increase approved by the public service site).