resim 945
resim 945

Since 2009, employees in the private sector have been able to consult their updated points statement via the Internet. This specific statement reflects the number of points acquired since the beginning of your career in the Agirc-Arrco scheme. It is used to replace paper annual income. We explain how to obtain it and under what conditions to use it.

Still little known, the updated statement of points is a summary, year by year, of the rights acquired during your career with the Agirc-Arrco scheme. It therefore represents a summary of your situation for your entire supplementary pension. You can consult it directly online on the Agirc-Arrco website via your personal space. You will thus be able to follow the points recorded in your name since your entry into professional life. This statement will be essential to calculate the amount of your supplementary retirement pension.

Your supplementary pension will be calculated according to the information provided on your updated points statement. It is therefore important to be attentive to the data present and to request, as soon as possible, rectifications if necessary. You can therefore contact your pension fund to request a regularization in this case. All the elements noted on your updated statement of points also appear on your statement of individual situation (RIS), which includes, for its part, all of your rights acquired for retirement, whether basic or supplementary.