resim 1549
resim 1549

If your career includes complete periods during which you have not contributed, you can buy back quarters in order to complete your career. To redeem these periods, you must have been dependent on a compulsory French health insurance scheme for at least 5 years, but also request redemption within 10 years from the last day of the last activity abroad. . What is the ideal period to carry out this redemption of quarters?

When quarters are missing to guarantee you a full career, a redemption of quarters is ideal. Thus, the number of quarters required for your retirement is calculated according to the year of birth and varies from 160 to 172. The law therefore authorizes this redemption, within the limit of 12 quarters, in order to allow workers to benefit from a full pension and higher incomes. In the list of incomplete years, you can find terms of study, part-time jobs, internships, as well as periods of unemployment.

To be validated, a request for redemption of quarters must imperatively be made between the ages of 20 and 66. This is usually a fairly expensive procedure, which needs to be studied very carefully. It is not advisable to buy back trimesters before the age of 60. Indeed, the legislation changes regularly and it is not uncommon to see a pension reform modify the legal retirement age or the required duration of insurance. It is therefore preferable to carry out this redemption between the ages of 60 and 66, even if the price for the quarter becomes higher at the age of 66.