resim 715
resim 715

Marie-Thérèse Gérard has been mayor of a town in Saône-et-Loire for 42 years, but she is currently deprived of part of her retirement pension. In fact, her position removed a significant percentage of her pension and, while she has just filed an appeal, she must face this unfair situation and fight to recover her entire pension. Explanations.

In 2020, Marie-Thérèse Gérard became mayor of the town of Saint-Martin-de-Salencey in Saône-et-Loire without knowing that this activity would gradually eat into her retirement pension. While she works many hours per week, her role causes her to lose “208 euros gross per month”, as reported by our colleagues at CNEWS, a situation that she does not consider “normal”. Before being mayor of her town, Marie-Thérèse Gérard was, in fact, a hairdresser at home, then head of maintenance in a college and could obtain a pension of 750 euros gross, to which she added the minimum contributory amount (Mico) of 208 euros per month.

Although her pension was initially very low, Mico was able to improve her situation, but, following a letter from her pension fund, she learned that her new job as mayor prevented her from continuing to receive it. . At the same time, she was informed that she needed to repay around 3,700 euros of overpayment. It is thus specified that Marie-Thérèse Gérard must contribute to Ircantec but that she cannot combine these contributions with Mico, where all pensions are required to be paid. Deeply annoyed by the situation, Marie-Thérèse Gérard explains that she would prefer “not to contribute to Ircantec and to receive Mico”. While waiting for her situation to be resolved, she submitted her file to the Congress of Mayors of France.