Do you know your pension rights? The recent Planet survey, which was based in particular on the work of the Ipsos institute and the Cercle des Savers, suggests that this is unlikely… since a majority of French men and women struggle to grasp the reality of what they could decently demand once the cessation of activity has occurred. And, de facto, therefore lose a lot. Some schemes are subject to significant non-use, as may be the case of the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), which now replaces the minimum pension. But others simply forget to ask for… their retirement!
Most of the time, as Planet was able to explain, this can be explained quite simply: having worked in various sectors exposes you to the fragmentation of your career and therefore, sometimes, implies having contributed to several pension funds. Sometimes, without even realizing it. To avoid the risk of losing money, it is therefore essential to take stock of your entire professional career and to solicit all the players likely to have to pay a pension. More information about this in our slideshow, which you will find at the end of this article.
In 2021, as may also have been the case in the past, a number of insured persons found themselves faced with errors relating to the processing of their pension. To avoid this, and protect yourself from the drastic consequences of such a situation, it is important to regularly consult your career statement.
If periods normally paid for are missing, the time worked must then be justified using the corresponding payslips. Think also, underlines Notre Temps on its site, of all the periods giving the right to quarters with contributions (unemployment insurance, sick leave, pregnancy, etc.).