resim 567
resim 567

Every year, hundreds of thousands retire. Thus, recalls the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav, in charge of pensions

For the time being, a significant number of future policyholders are facing problems relating to the proper processing of their file, informs Merci Pour L’Info (formerly Family File) on its site. But what types of worries are we talking about, exactly? Summary.

In fact, indicate our colleagues, most of the future insured, but also all those who could apply for a survivor’s pension or Aspa are today facing problems of delay. These are not difficult to explain: they result from structural causes… which does not mean that they are easy to circumvent. Achieving this usually requires persistence and a bit of resourcefulness.

Two essential factors explain the processing times observed in France today. The first is demographic: we have to deal with an ever-increasing number of retirees – and therefore requests for liquidation of rights. “Each year there are 3% more retirees”, explains Florence Pigeait, national secretary of the Federation social protection, work, employment of the French Democratic Confederation of Labor (CFDT), questioned by our colleagues. Mechanically, this means that there is more and more work to do.

Second factor? Retirement files are still handled by hand today. To which must be added the fatigue of the employees, who express, in the opinion of a union representative, a certain disinterest in their work.

Pending the proper processing of the request, future retirees must therefore be resourceful, continues Merci Pour L’Info (ex-Dossier Familial). Very often, however, you have to contact the pension insurance, which can be reached on 3960. Please note, however, that this telephone service is only open from Monday to Friday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. only. In addition, reaching an advisor is not always easy.

Alternatively, it is sometimes necessary to apply for the active solidarity income (RSA). This generally only works for French people eligible for ASPA…