resim 203
resim 203

It’s done ! After months of waiting and chomping at the bit, retirees finally got a little help. They are, in fact, among the French men and women most threatened by inflation insofar as it is very difficult for them to increase their income after the cessation of activity. From now on, they have received 4% more than the amount of their pension from the general scheme, for the month of July 2022 as well as that of August of the same year. But one news chases the other and there are other dates that retirees should (ideally, at least) keep in mind.

Thus, the economist Philippe Crevel recently recalled in our columns, a next revaluation of pensions is already planned: it will take place on January 1, 2023. Its terms have not yet been discussed in the National Assembly, but they will be in a few weeks, during the debates relating to the Social Security financing bill. This is when we will know more, insists the director of the Cercle de l’Epargne.

After these debates, it will normally be the turn of the supplementary pension to be revalued, recalls the economic newspaper Mieux Vivre-Votre Argent on its site. The increase will be lower than inflation, indicate our colleagues, but it should occur from the beginning of November 2022.

Pension reform could also make a comeback in the coming weeks. Its entry into force is theoretically scheduled for the summer of 2023, as the President of the Republic was able to promise. Before that, the project will be relaunched from September 15, 2022, indicates the Journal du Net, which recalls that this is also the date on which the COR (Pension Orientation Council) makes its projections on the French system and its financial health.