The year of the pension reform. During his wishes to the French on Saturday December 31, Emmanuel Macron mentioned the pension reform, a major issue for the coming year and his second five-year term. After having had to give it up during his first term, the Head of State does not intend to back down and took advantage of his speech to remind us of this, declaring: “This year will indeed be that of a pension reform”.

The presentation of the bill is set for Tuesday, January 10, after having been postponed for the first time in December, and Emmanuel Macron has already prepared people’s minds. “We need to work more,” he explained on Saturday December 31, because he wants to “ensure the balance of our system for the years and decades to come”. The President of the Republic specified that “the lengthening of our careers (…) will be gradual” and that it “will be done in stages, over almost ten years”. Referring to a “fair” text which allows him “to improve the minimum pension” he assured the French that the reform will take “into account long careers, choppy careers, the difficulties of certain trades”.

Little information has leaked regarding this pension reform and the government is continuing its final arbitrations this week, since the final negotiations with the social partners are taking place on Tuesday January 2 and Wednesday January 3. For the time being, the executive is maintaining the course of applying the new law next summer, even if the time will still be long and the steps many before its implementation. So while a lot will change in the coming months, future retirees should pay attention now. Indeed, the rules for validating a quarter of retirement have changed with the transition to the new year… Planet explains everything to you.

To validate a quarter of retirement, you must meet certain conditions with the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav) and in particular with regard to the amount of your salary. As Le Particulier recalls, you must receive in the year “a salary subject to contributions representing 150 times the amount of the minimum wage”. Unsurprisingly, the amount therefore changes each year at the same time as the revaluation of the minimum wage on 1 January.

For this year 2023, the gross hourly minimum wage has been set at 11.27 euros, which means that to validate a quarter of retirement, you must receive 1,690.50 euros in gross salary, or 105 euros more than the year. last. A change that will have consequences for some French people… Here are which ones.

Employees earning the Smic do not have to worry since their salary increases as much as the new threshold, but other future retirees may have cold sweats. As Le Particulier reminds us, this is particularly the case for those whose “remuneration does not include the increase in the Smic” and for whom “validating a quarter will be much more laborious”. Student jobs during the summer, French people paid a little above the minimum wage, those who do not work all year round, who work part-time… Many are those concerned.

As a reminder, pending the application of the pension reform and depending on your year of birth, you must have validated a certain number of quarters to be able to benefit from a basic pension at the full rate, from 160 to 172.