resim 613
resim 613

An important moment that marks the end of a working life, retirement must be prepared in advance to be lived serenely. It is better, in fact, to plan your retirement early enough to identify any shortcomings in your career, which could deprive you of a full pension. What to do if you realize that a certain number of assessed quarters are still essential? A redemption of quarters seems ideal for reducing or even completely eliminating your discount. Here is our instructions for a successful redemption of terms.

When you begin to concretely prepare for your retirement, you can quickly realize that you are missing a certain number of quarters in order to obtain a full pension. In this context, it is however still possible to increase your duration of insurance and to buy back quarters of contributions through payments to the general social security scheme. This procedure is thus possible for the years of higher education, incomplete years of contributions or even periods of apprenticeship. It can also be carried out if you have completed periods of activity as a childminder or if you are a child of former harkis, moghaznis and supplementary training personnel who served in Algeria.

In the case of an activity carried out in France, you have the possibility of buying back contributions if you belonged to a socio-professional category that was late affiliated to the general social security system. You can also benefit from this scheme if you carried out penal labor before 1 January 1977 or if you volunteered as a third party to a crippled or disabled member of your family. It is therefore possible to make a purchase for the rate or the duration of the insurance. Discover, in our slideshow, the complete instructions for buying back a quarter.