resim 45
resim 45

Every month, the same refrain. Retirees from the general scheme know that their pension arrives in their bank account on the 9th of each month and concerns the previous period: this month of January, you will receive your pension for the month of December 2022, therefore without the revaluation of 0.8 % entered into force on January 1st.

If the 9th of a month is “a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday, it is paid on the 1st previous or next working day”, explains the Public Service website. Your supplementary retirement pension is also paid each month, “except when its amount is low”, it is added. If this is your case, it is subject to an annual payment “or only once in the form of a capital”.

In 2022, your retirement pension was never paid late and, when it was postponed, it was to be effective in your bank account in advance, a day or two before the usual date. This year, your pension will not be paid late either, but in some months early! Please note, if you depend on Carsat Alsace-Moselle, you will receive your retirement pension on the first of each month and, in 2023, certain payments will be made late, by a day or even two, several times a year. So you have to take precautions…

Be careful to organize yourself well if the payment is made late, especially if you have direct debits on your bank account. “The effective time of transfer to your bank account depends on your financial institution”, specifies the site of the Public Service and the times can therefore be extended depending on the bank on which you depend. In 2023, pension payments for the general scheme will be made in advance 4 months out of 12 and for Carsat Alsace-Moselle, they will be made later 5 months out of 12. Consult the calendar below to find out when exactly.