At the time of retirement, it is necessary to carry out several steps in order to obtain a retirement pension. However, in different cases, errors are possible, as recently noted by the Court of Auditors. In its latest report, the CNAV thus noted an error rate of 13% in pension files liquidated during the year 2022. These errors are regularly made to the detriment of the beneficiaries, while the study confirms that 1.1% of the amounts paid studied are incorrect. What are the most common mistakes?
Errors in pension records are common, according to the recent CNAV report. As confirmed by Océa Concept, a pension audit specialist, according to Pleine Vie, a probable amount of errors of around 70 million euros is recorded to the detriment of retirees. Last May, Le Parisien confirmed these figures by explaining that one in seven pensions would be incorrectly calculated in France, according to figures from the Court of Auditors. A large sum with indicators of anomalies in the retirement files, which record a rate of 13%.
Recognized as important, these errors are harmful for retirees, who often have to file complaints to have them corrected. Soon, the CNAV must thus set up a tool allowing the insured to have access to his pension statement online and to all the information related to his professional career. In this way, he will be able to calculate his pension rights, but also correct any errors present in his file. Discover, in our slideshow, the five most common errors in retirement files.