If retirees know, most of the time, the risk of suffering a discount on the amount of their pension, it is less common to dwell on the premium. However, it represents an advantageous increase, which has the power to increase, sometimes significantly, your retirement pension. However, several essential conditions must be met in order to benefit from it. Discover the three essential points to be able to obtain a premium.

By definition, the premium allows you to receive a higher retirement pension. By working after the age of 62 and going beyond the necessary number of quarters, you will be able to obtain a pension at the maximum rate, also called a full rate pension. Three conditions must be met to take advantage of this bonus: you must be over 62, have the appropriate number of quarters for a retirement at the maximum rate, but also continue your professional activity. All full calendar quarters contributed beyond your 62 years will give you the possibility of increasing the amount of your pension.

If these three specific conditions are met, you can benefit from a higher retirement pension and thus apply the premium. By continuing to work, additional points are also acquired for your Agirc-Arrco or Ircantec retirement. Each quarter of premium realized from January 1, 2009 thus increases your pension by 1.25%. Other bases are provided for the quarters worked between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2008: for example, you also reach 1.25% for each quarter worked from the age of 65.