resim 717
resim 717

Celebrities are more and more openly addressing the issue of their retirement, and in particular the amount of their pension. While money can still seem taboo in today’s society, the recent mobilization of the French in the face of pension reform has allowed a freer discussion on these essential issues. In solidarity, the stars also began to speak freely about their retirement pension. This is today the case of Stéphanie Fugain, who opened up about her retirement.

Dancer and actress, Stéphanie Fugain joined Michel Fugain’s troupe, the Big Bazar, before sharing her life for more than thirty years. After their marriage, they had three children, Marie, born November 15, 1973, Laurette, born August 6, 1979 and died in 2002, as well as Alexis, born April 7, 1993. While she had a life as a busy artist, Stéphanie Fugain spoke at Jordan De Luxe in her show, Chez Jordan, on the conditions of her retirement and the amount of a very insufficient pension.

Questioned by Jordan De Luxe, Stéphanie Fugain spoke, unvarnished, about the amount of her retirement, admitting, at first, that she did not have any. She then clarified her remarks by explaining that she was “one of those women who [worked] a lot, a lot, a lot voluntarily”, while recalling that she was also a “housewife”. As reported by our colleagues at Capital, she said she “worked without being declared” before describing her retirement as “ridiculous”. After revealing that she was now giving conferences, she finally confirmed that she only received between 300 and 400 euros per month.