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60% of French people say they are worried about their own retirement. According to the 2021 barometer “The French, savings and retirement” published on February 16 by the Cercle des épargnants association, the main source of concern is none other than the fear of running out of money. It is highlighted by 82% of active people. Only 35% of non-retirees believe that they will have the necessary finances to live comfortably once retirement comes.

This low rate can be explained by the lack of knowledge of the amount of their future pension, and by the complexity of its method of calculation. Despite the official simulators offered by pension funds, 65% of respondents concede that they have no idea how much they will receive in retirement. Free or paid, think about carrying out a retirement assessment. Because the subject is complex, the careers multiple and the employers numerous. In total, 41 pension funds manage different trades. You therefore risk being confronted with a veritable administrative tunnel. This is why it is essential to anticipate before liquidating your rights and to establish an end-of-career strategy to optimize your financial conditions.

First, consult your end-of-career statement via the Info-retraite site. Your entire journey is traced on a timeline. This will allow you to take stock of your rights acquired so far.

Then, care must be taken to “verify the information transmitted digitally and ensure its conformity”, Philippe Crevel, economist and director of the Cercle de l’Épargne, recently told us. Sometimes a correction will be necessary. “The margin of error between the validity of the information automatically recorded online and the reality of the professional career is often not negligible”, insists the economist. One file out of 6 contains an error.

However, be careful not to focus on the number of quarters. As Dominique Prévert, partner of the specialized firm Optimaretraite, assured us, “whether or not you reach the sufficient number of quarters to enjoy a full pension is not the essential thing.” You have to think in euros. You still need to have the right information. Because bad calculations can have a serious impact on your future pension.

Here in our slideshow above, the concepts that you must study before deciding on a departure date.

Also be sure to anticipate the loss of income that will follow. Taking advantage of the greater resources available during working life fortunately allows you to maintain your standard of living once you stop working… With the help of relevant investments, also detailed in our slideshow.